Name: Inuzuka
First name: Kiba
Age: 13
Birthday: 07/07
Height: 152, 5cm
Weight: 44, 7 kg
Village: Hidden Leaf Village (Konoha)
Favorite food: [coming soon]
Powers: Piercing Fang (Gatsuuga)
Class: Genin
Physical description: Red stripes on his face, brown hair almost always hidden in his usual grey fury dress if not wearing something else.
Temper: Personality wise Kiba seems to be very caring for his comrades and at the same time can be a jerk
Strong point: He and Akamaru can cause considerable amounts of damage in fights.
Weakness: His heightened sense of smell, which enhances all smells 1000 times that of its original smell.
Story: He belongs to the Inuzuka clan, a clan knon for their ability to raise dogs for ninja fighting. [more coming soon, still I dunno if he has some sort of story]